Settling in, Castle formally introduced himself as Pete, while the girl told him her name was Rachel. And it it pisses me off. That shot was carefully, deliberately placed, and did exactly what it was meant to. Castle believed himself to be a monster, just like Billy Russo claimed. So much happened in Daredevil's sophomore season Matt Murdock's reignited romance with Elektra Natchios, Wilson Fisk's reintroduction, whatever was going on with the Hand and that giant hole in the ground so some details might be forgotten over a year later. ""I don't see my dad either. While Castle was gone, Tepper confessed to falsifying documents as he had been threatened by a mysterious woman demanding his confession on record.[33]. Until he made it into Russo's arms at the end of their gauntlet. Coming to the outskirts of New York City, Castle and Russo were reunited as Russo offered his condolences for the deaths of Castle's family. Castle and Daredevil continued fighting as they dodged the many bullets being fired at them. Family filter: On; All videos. Castle was asked to confirm his time in the Marine Corps, before being asked about his final mission. The Punisher promised that whenever Russo looked at his reflection and only saw ugliness, he would always be reminded of his day. At this point Venom tries to reason with Frank, telling him to listen to what he had to say. To reassure Quinn, Castle noted that he also had a bed at the Tides Motel and suggested that he could sleep alone there instead and bid her goodnight, although Quinn had then told him to join her in her car, as she drove them. Yeah?""Yeah. With the Russian momentarily stunned, the Punisher did not hesitate in hitting him twice more across the face, while turning to Kazan and questioning if he wanted to talk with him now. You hit them and they get back up, I hit them and they stay down. Such a great line. Facial recognition software confirms that the man you are looking at is indeed Frank Castle. Having achieved his long-awaited closure, Frank burned down his family home and strode away into the darkness, determined to spend his life punishing criminals. [40], These guys just want to be a part of something, and Billy's giving that to 'em. Due to his own superior knowledge of the layout of their hideout, the Punisher was able to get around the mercenaries who could only fire blindly at where they thought he was. Unfortunately, he got spotted by the police and cornered around them, making Castle have no ways to escape but to go for two police officers then knocked both of them down then steal a police cruiser and escape the police. I'm guilty, you hear me! Zach and Frank throw a football around, and Micro comes by. Micro informed him that his friend died and Castle worried about making good on his promise to Henderson. ""No, he did not. I think you and me are the same!Frank Castle to Daredevil. So, The Punisher has landed. Unwilling to give in to the Punisher's cruel and violent test, Daredevil used his one bullet to free himself of his chains and attacked Castle. Although they were then ordered to go into Kandahar and capture the target, Castle warned against it, believing this was a trap for Cerberus Squad, with Russo agreeing. While Cooley was distracted by the disaster, Castle managed to free himself of his restraints with the use of a hidden razor blade that he had previously placed under the skin in his arm and fiercely fought back against the mob. Castle called he and Curtis Hoyle's old friend down in Florida in hope that he could help Bendix as she was moving there. Daredevil: Directed by Mark Steven Johnson. Daredevil is another character who's seen multiple deaths at the hands of The Punisher. Hoyle said that John Pilgrim arrived to take her, but Bendix ran. As the other workers laugh at him, Castle was informed by Lance that it was lunchtime before throwing a piece of concrete at his head which he ignored. Go.""Listen. Castle struggled as he made his way to the hospital, seeing Brett Mahoney next to him. After that, all of the other events of the comic are put into motion. [23], That kid right there the one whose head you got that gun on, you see, I'd do anything for her. As Castle lost another game, he accused Bendix of holding the Queens in her hand, or swapping the cards, which she denied, as Castle turned over the cards and realized he was wrong. Punisher is an interesting case in the Marvel Universe. As Castle spoke to their group about his feelings since leaving the Armed Forces, he had noted that since he had killed William Rawlins, and defeated Billy Russo, he no longer has any sort of objective or mission to fulfill, Castle admitted to being scared for not knowing what the rest of his life may hold for him. Inside, Castle used the emergency hatch to escape into the shaft, reaching the roof to escape via a zip-line. Just, I gotta tell you, Frank, I know I can be difficult. ""You think he deserved it? Eventually, Frank learns that the mob shootout was part of a sting operation to draw out a drug lord called the Blacksmith. In an instant, she's across that classroom floor, she's in my arms. Genuinely some of the best writing Ive seen in a marvel production. He openly sneered at Daredevil for considering himself a "hero" as he claims that he was only "one bad day away" from being like Castle. ""Yeah, I don't think so. Since Castle was not taking it all seriously, Madani then presented him with his Skull Vest, noting that the blood that was on it belonged to him, her and Russo, noting that while Castle got closure, Russo did not, with Madani also insisting that the only closure Russo understood would be a bullet in the head. Once Bendix had explained to him how the card trick worked, Castle became annoyed as he instead asked Bendix about Konchevsky, as he questioned how they could find him, while Bendix then explained that he was worked with the Russian Mafia in New York City, much to Castle's surprise, since he had expected it to be considerably more difficult to track Konchevsky down. ""Look, it's a short list. However, while Bendix went to Dinah Madani's bedroom, Castle noted that walking from the situation was not an option, while commenting that he only had to ensure that he was the dealer. In that state? When Homeland Security's assistance, Castle is informed that Billy Russo has escaped from the custody and she needs Castle to put him down once and for all. He needed to enter a code and retinal scan to cancel it. Castle had then instead noted how Bendix had come back into there when she did not have to, which she confirmed, as the pair stood in silence for a moment. As Daredevil slowly began to wake up, having been tied to a nearby chimney with chains that ensured he was unable to move or escape from his situation, Castle watched close by. Frank tells him to leave before Zach sees him because it could lead to his family being killed. Upon returning to New York City, the Punisher tracked down Mickey O'Hare, the last remaining member of the Kitchen Irish who had been attempting to catch a flight from JFK International Airport and return home to the safety of Ireland. Towards the end of the story, however, it is revealed that cannibal Spider-Man isn't really that bad of a guy. Castle managed to track down Lewis Wilson to the Royal Hospitality where he intended to assassinate Senator Stan Ori. Eventually, Agent Orange noted that clearly Zubair did not know anything useful for them, and therefore turned to Castle, who then shot Zubair point blank in the face, killing him instantly. O'Rourke took out a needle and was surprised when Castle willingly gave him his arm to inject Castle. Castle assured her it was okay and sat down. His sense of morality has turned to the extreme, differing greatly from what most would consider acceptable ideals of good and bad. Daredevil noted how Punisher had hung members of the Mexican Cartel on meathooks and fired in a hospital like New York City was his own shooting gallery. Howard Saint orders his men to discover what they can about Otto Krieg . Once Castle later returned to the bar having been to the bathroom, he noticed that Quinn was getting harassed by Johnny, who had been insisting that she drink with him. When Castle simply thanked him for the coffee and prepared leave the Church, he then turned back to Hoyle as he questioned how often he thought about their time in the United States Marine Corps together. Russo figured that Castle was listening and scolded Castle for being a monster. [17], The only reason you're around right now is because of me. ""The bullet you took was meant for me, alright, I owe you.Frank Castle and Dinah Madani. In Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe, the title is taken literally. When Castle then asked what had caused this, Bendix explained that Fiona had given them the job in Chicago to work as the catering for a funeral and take pictures of the guests, as they took a picture of David Schultz kissing his male partner in private, while noting that she had felt weird about doing it but dismissed these thoughts as they no longer mattered. I give you my word.Punisher and Billy Russo. This battle serves as a way to show how The Punisher could realistically kill The Hulk, as well as answering the age-old question: could The Hulk's infinite strength break the unbreakable adamantium? Castle rushed back to the trailer to get Schultz, but found both he and Curtis Hoyle gone, probably Hoyle's doing. ""Blacksmith already tried to get me once, I really don't want to give him a second chance. Castle grew mad at that question and left, saying that he will always call out to her when he appraoched the RV, if no one said anything, point and fire as it was not him. Once he did, he struggling to carry Mahoney out. Just you and me, and a bomb.Frank Castle and Lewis Wilson. See, the way I operate, the way I handle situations like this I kill the enemy before they get to me. However, Daredevil suddenly arrived and then charged inside of the room, using his own Billy Club to knock out the attackers. [28], Having used a bug in Morty Bennett's phone, Micro tracked him down to the CIA Safe House. Castle commented on the theory that it was impossible to hear the bullet that kills you being fired, leading to him asking Daredevil if he heard the bullet being shot into his helmet. While Bendix shuffled the cards, she asked Castle if he was an assassin for Homeland Security, which Castle denied, while also noting that the name Punisher was not one he chose for himself, before he failed at Bendix's game again, much to Castle's considerable frustration. While Daredevil looked after Grotto in his final painful moments, Castle recovered and took the opportunity to fire upon the Dogs of Hell, shooting a grenade at their motorbikes which caused a massive explosion to alert the gang of his presence while Daredevil tried and failed to save Grotto's life, who died from his wounds moments later. Castle revealed that the cameraman was Gunner Henderson. Castle walked in and found Amy Bendix worried as she believed Madani was going to arrest him. However, Russo was altered to this as Carl called out to Madani for help, as Russo spun around and managed to shoot Madani directly in the skull, as her lifeless body dropped to the ground. Punisher does, in fact, kill the entire Marvel Universe. One agent found and aimed their rifle at Bennett by mistake, only for Castle to appear from the darkness and knock the man out. ""He doesn't really know me, do you miss yours? 'Micro to Punisher, Within ten minutes of being awake he reaches up and grabs my scrubs, yanks me down, and says, real close: 'Take me home. The Punisher first appeared in Netflix's Daredevil and after leaving an absolutely stunning impression, Frank Castle got his own story to tell. Later in the shootout, Castle would see Olin attempting to use a gun on her. Castle leaped out of the window while the final agent continued shooting at him. Who killed my family? During his time serving in the military in Iraq, Castle came to become best friends with Billy Russo, a fellow marine from New York City, as the pair saved each other's lives while in Basra. However, Daredevil paused and warned Castle that someone was coming. However, Castle had noted that Madani was previously shot for him, insisting that he owed her, while Bendix then tried to question who they really were, while Castle and Madani told her to shut up. Sure, Frank Castle is a good shot and a talented fighter, but he's not a mutant and doesn't have him super-human strength. And I did.Frank Castle to Zach Lieberman, Frank Castle was born on November 15, 1981, in the Hell's Kitchen district of New York City. Castle then left with Hoyle, leaving Bendix behind and not apologizing. Bendix said she did not want to talk, but Castle simply asked where she was and explained that there was a bounty on her head. You know, I appreciate that. As he was welcomed inside, Hoyle asked Castle about him giving up the peaceful life, as he questioned what he had been up to, with Castle claiming that it was a long story. Funny enough, in two such universes, The Punisher comes out on top. Castle managed to avoid the hostiles and followed Wilson to the stairwell. Castle then called Bendix to warn her. Having been pulled away from the mirror, a horrifically scarred Russo had attempted to fight back, only for the Punisher to break his arm and slam him face-first into the mirror. Although Castle was captured, the rest of the plan went according to plan, as Sarah and Zach were then rescued by Madani's agents, and Micro was able to fake his own demise during the chaos, since these Homeland agents shot his Bulletproof Vest, causing all Russo's men to then drive away from the scene with only Castle in custody. As they watched, the street below is rocked by an explosion. Schoonover has spent his years running heroin alongside some of Frank's old comrades,but even that's not the full story. No, all I wanted to do was I wanted to hurt people. ""Loss of curiosity is a loss of humanity, Frank. With the distraction in place, Castle jumped on the roof of the truck carrying the weapons and stole it. Scene of the Week Scene of the Month . Before pulling the trigger Punisher tells Captain America that he was always his hero. Before they could react and fight back, Castle prepared his weapons and violently massacred all gang members in front of him, without any mercy and hesitation. The New York City Police Department arrive and restrain Russo and Madani while wounded Castle fought back and used a fire hose reel to escape. For the first four episodes (including "Dogs to a Gunfight," "New York's Finest," and "Penny and Dime"), Murdock's quest to find the "army" that took down the Irish mob (which was really just Castle) consumed the main plot of the season. Castle pretended to be beaten to breaking point and promised to reveal where the money was, but when Cooley got to close, he simply headbutted him and laughed at his pain. Castle and Daredevil even team-up once again, trying to take down one of the Blacksmith's drug shipments. 3:50. We stick to the plan. Castle and Hoyle took Nelson back to his place and met up with Dinah Madani. You take care.Dinah Madani and Punisher. ""Yeah, okay, I will, if you don't kill me first.Punisher and Daredevil. He took the knife and placed it against Nelson's throat, saying he knew what happened next. The man pleaded for his life and then half-heartedly admitted to being the Blacksmith and begged for death as Castle pressed his gun into the man's face. Changing the subject, Castle asked if Rex was a hockey player, like Frank Castle, Jr. had been, which Rex excitedly confirmed. Bendix then got on the bus and Castle left quickly. Undoubtedly the second half of the season will hold the answers to this lingering mystery. Cyclops tries to comfort Frank, and tells him that there wasn't any time for an evacuation, but Frank's not having any of it. Jessica Jones, the second series to come from the Netflix-Marvel venture in 2015, used its very first episode to introduce the hero of the franchises third series, Luke Cage. During one of his unit's deployments within Afghanistan, Castle was assigned to a new task force under the supervision of Ray Schoonover and an anonymous civilian commander known to the men only as Agent Orange. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If you go to your friend, she's as good as dead, you know it, don't you. As one man took cover behind a pillar, the Punisher continued shooting at him, forcing him to stay hidden, before the Punisher then dropped the gun and had plunged his knife into the man's chest. As he went to the fridge to get them his beers, Hoyle complained that they never met up in Florida to go fishing like normal friends, with Castle simply noting that he did not know how to fish, despite Hoyle's attempts to convince him and Castle note that he went fishing with dynamite. [31], Don't shoot! Three months later, Maria informed Castle that she had fallen pregnant with his first child, with Maria offering Castle the chance to walk away as she was willing to raise the child alone, only for Castle to instead propose to her, resulting in them getting married. The overconfident Cooley offered Castle painkillers but Castle only mocked his efforts. [VIOLENT CONTENT]Epic fight scene where Frank fights the other inmates. She won't know the difference.Amy Bendix and Frank Castle. Castle warned Pilgrim that Schultz was in the trailer, but Castle's phone could set off the C-4 strapped to his chest. Castle met with Curtis Hoyle, as he informed him that he was still alive and assumed the name of Pete Castiglione. ""I don't know, man. After gifting him with money, he thanked her by name, which he revealed himself to her. Fearing he was slowly losing his honor, Castle returned to his family, only to lose them all during a brutal shooting. Following David Lieberman spending the next three days giving all of his depositions and testimonies for Homeland Security about his and Castle's actions during the Rawlins Conspiracy, Castle reunited with Lieberman, once he had recovered from his last encounter with Billy Russo and given freedom from Rafael Hernandez and Marion James, Castle had agreed to drive Lieberman back his former home, where his family were preparing their dinner to welcome him home. Castle noted how Madani thought that Russo had been putting on an act, which Hoyle disagreed with, noting how Russo had believed that they were still with their United States Armed Forces and that he had spoken about Castle like his brother. Francis David "Frank" Castle Sr. is a fictional character portrayed by Jon Bernthal in two of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) television seriesbased on the Marvel Comics character of the same namecommonly known by his alias, The Punisher.Introduced in the 2016 second season of Daredevil, Bernthal signed a deal to return for a spin-off series, The Punisher (2017-2019); his portrayal . Micro told him that he has made arrangements for Henderson to receive a decent burial.[11]. [39], You think Konchevsky's dead? Prove it; prove you don't need me anymore. Images: Patrick Harbron/Netflix; Giphy (3), Randy Roth From 'A Rose For Her Grave' Is Still In Prison, The Subject Of This Netflix True Crime Doc Is Now Guilty Of Murdering His Wife & Son, Morgan Doughty Filed A Lawsuit Against The Murdaugh Family, Heres How To Watch The Alex Murdaugh Trial Live, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. During the torture, Wolf managed to free himself and grabbed Castle's gun. Civil war really couldve dug into this if there were more movies involved in it, but instead the one movie approach was chosen. While furiously beating at a wall with his hammer, Castle was harassed by Paulie and the other workers, being called the Gimp. Castle then learned, following Walsh's attack against him, Russo had came to hate baseball as it always reminded him of Walsh, to which Castle had expressed his sympathy towards his friend and brother in arms, noting he had never stopped to think how lucky he was when he was a child to have his father attend every single game he played, expressing a wish that Russo could have enjoyed that. Using his sniper rifle, he dispatched four assassins in quick succession, giving Daredevil an opening to fight and eventually defeat Nobu Yoshioka, launching him off the roof of the building to his death. A man blinded by toxic waste which also enhanced his remaining senses fights crime as an acrobatic martial arts superhero. Mainly because he's not super, nor is he a hero. Please do not make assumptions regarding confusing wording, other sites' speculation, and people's headcanon around the internet. Castle and Bendix began their plan. When Daredevil tried to free himself and made more noise, Castle distracted Jerry and quietly and covertly aimed his gun at his head to warn Daredevil to remain silent. Karen Page arrived for her interview with Ori. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! But there was so much death in Frank's backstory from his time in the Marines to his own beloved family and the gory trail of justice he left through Manhattan that it's hard to keep it all straight. Having cleared out all of the Anvil agents, Castle then gotten back in contact with Dinah Madani, as he requested that she come alone to a secure location. While they were distracted, the Punisher cut off the head of one of the mercenaries and strapped a grenade to it, before simply tossing the bloody head at them as they all looked on in horror. In the Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe, Matt Murdock is close with Frank Castle. Was she somehow involved in the events that led up to the massacre of his family? Who cares?Punisher and Finn Cooley. As Madani asked him to confirm why there were no records, Castle became frustrated, as Madani already knew that. When Bernthal debuted as the Punisher last year during the second season of Netflix's "Daredevil," he said, Castle could retain an air of mystery as a side character, largely because the . All three seasons of Daredevil and both seasons of The Punisher are streaming on Netflix. The Punisher. He then made his way up to that room only to see that he had killed three innocent women. [23], Time for you to make a choice. [9] As they completed one of their trainings together, Castle and Russo both underwent the gauntlet, in which they would walk through all their fellow marines while getting beaten down to prove their endurance as well as their physical strength, as Castle had given Russo a mocking prep talk before he went through the gauntlet first, making it to the end. Castle then suspected that Lewis Wilson from Hoyle's support group was the bomber on the radio and had Micro look up his address. First time, as long as I can remember, I don't have a war to fight. All gang members pulled their guns on each other, intending to start a gunfight before Castle drew their attention. Checking the mirrors around the Carousel, the Punisher managed to find where Russo was hiding as the two began exchanging gunfire, using the horses as cover before the Punisher made a tactical retreat, forcing Russo to hunt him down. Venom also meets his match in the Marvel Universe Vs. When the New York City Police Department arrived on the scene, Castle did not attempt to escape and instead allowed himself to be arrested by Brett Mahoney. Having cracked the mirror, the Punisher decided to take away Russo's most valued asset, as he grabbed Russo's face, dragging it down a broken mirror, tearing Russo's face apart as he screamed. Castle told Page what he remembered about that day, reliving the horror and regret of failing his family. Castle then returned to New York City to assist Daredevil in his confrontation with the Hand. Madani then revealed to Castle that he did not kill the women, it was a set up by Russo. Frank and Captain America engage in a battle, which is one of the final fights in the story. They began shooting at the truck, killing the man, while they were still unaware of Castle's true location as he continued to watch the entire event unfolding just as he had planned. Micro informed Castle about the Homeland Security operation at the Red Hook Pier to take down the Greeks and the weapons shipment. [18], Why do you have a Homeland Security Chopper on call like it's an Uber? While he was opening birthday cards from his two children, Castle cheered as he discovered that his wife had bought him tickets to go and see a Bruce Springstein concert when he returned home, which Castle then proudly showed off to Billy Russo. Sneaking through the hallways, Castle drew his shotgun and killed three more of the insurgents in quick succession, ending up covered in their blood. As Lisa Castle rode on the merry go round, Castle and his wife watched on, with Maria noting that Lisa would soon be too old for it. With his conflict seemingly concluded, Castle had then headed over into St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, as he had finally made the decision to join in with Curtis Hoyle's regular therapy sessions, in order to deal with the trauma of losing his family. [14], Whole world thinks we did this together, kid.""Hey! Pilgrim hid behind the corner and they exchanged more shots. As she did so, he told her to pull away, grabbing the gun. [1], Talk.""Okay! When the Punisher then looked at Schultz, he began to weep, knowing that he had been exposed, as the Punisher questioned their motivations. Once there, they were informed by Schoonover and Agent Orange that they had a new target who was believed to have been tracked down and was now hiding out in a compound within Kandahar. ""So, then, it's a trap? However, Amy Bendix did not respond. Castle and Micro watched as the Anvil agents stabbed the cans of petrol that they strapped onto Sarah and Zach's backs, threatening to burn them with flares if anything went wrong. Foggy Nelson then made his own statement where he noted that Castle was a soldier who had been betrayed by the system after his own wife and children were murdered, accusing Reyes of using Castle as a pawn for a coverup. [25], Last thing I ever wanted was for you to be hurt by this. Hey! Echo; Goosebumps; Hawkeye . Frank goes on his killing spree as The Punisher. Although Bendix tried to change their subject by suggesting that Castle should go to the hospital to get his hand looked at, Castle instead suggested that she should try and talk to him about what she was feeling and what she had witnessed. ""I'd say that's spot on. ""I'm not lonely right now. Location: United States Having seen Leo in the Van with her father, Castle stepped over to her side and told her she had done well to survive. [28], She looks up and sees me. It does, however, provide the Marvel-Netflix corner of the universe with yet another dark and nuanced vigilante. Eventually, Madani figured out the video is looped and headed out on her own. As she reshuffled the deck of cards, Bendix had noted that everything came back to Sergei Konchevsky, as she phoned him back at Lola's Roadhouse, which had resulted in Marlena Olin's crew attacking them, while she had theorized that Konchevsky ordered the hit to avoid paying. Later, Bendix texted him the location of where she was.

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