w. p. lehmann. Maine compared Greek, Roman, and more contemporary British and continental family law. levi-strauss, c. (1969). Mating or death practices are illustrated by bits of behavior selected indiscriminately from the most different cultures, and the discussion builds up a kind of mechanical Frankensteins monster with a right eye from Fiji, a left from Europe, leg from Tierra del Fuego, and one from Tahiti, and all the fingers and toes from different regions. Comparison is used for these purposes in all disciplines, but not always in the same way, or for the same reasons. Anthropology has been in permanent crisis about the comparative method since its inception, due to the unique combination of generalizing versus particularizing dimensions at the core of the social anthropological study. Request Permissions, Comparative Studies in Society and History, Society for Comparative Studies in Society and History. bloomington: indiana university press. Whether you are coming from a scientific, interpretive, or applied anthropological tradition, you will learn field methods from the best guide in both qualitative and quantitative methods. london: g.g. Research on social and economic change, migration, and cultural contact have attempted to return a historical dimension to structural analyses. This opened the door to the use of kin terms as the basis for comparisons of kinship terms as cultural systems of classification. Studies of networks and their structures attempted to overcome the restrictions of geographically defined analytical units (Sanjek 1978). islam observed: religious development in morocco and indonesia. 23 Feb. 2023 . Boas explained historical particularism as follows: The customs and beliefs themselves are not the ultimate objects of research. //

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illustrative comparison method in anthropology