The poor guy had probably spiked a fever by now. Chandler is used to emptiness. What she doesn't expec Rachel and Monica's old friend Giovanna moves to the city and the three friends reunite. My, may I say you are looking great today? Joey looked up at him with an expression of defeat. Joey, no, he responded. Friends: Joey and Rachel (DISCONTINUED) 6 parts Ongoing This is a story about Rachel and Joey. He dropped the bedding on the floor next to the bed, and lightly pushed Joey into a sitting position in front of the TV. Really, how can you tell? Chandler asked in feigned surprise, then shrugged. left kudos on this work! Youre warm, so youre probably sick because its fucking freezing in here. He'd moved the lounge seat back into the centre of the beige apartment to take up some room, but it still felt empty and cold. Said it fit the mood. Chandler shrugged, turning his attention back to the blank TV screen. And then she said something that made Monica pause. Joey, its late, Chandler said with a sigh. Not that Chandler needed a roommate, but their building was quite expensive, and he didn't have the benefit of living in a rent-controlled apartment. Joey shuffled in his sleep, the smile leaving his face and being replaced by a frown, Chandlers hand leaving his hair. he asks Chandler for a kiss for good luck. Oh well, its not like you have to get anywhere today.. he happily obliges to Joeys request. you say and you can hear how sore your troath is. In which a struggling actor and a stressed-out florist bounce between a relationship and a friendship. Sasholotl, whatevssatan, qatter, Minimunch11, peixeroot, teachesofpeaches, mightydeafeningmouse, TheArgo2Crew, Alzgames, smokeyourgreens, Stationery_Queen, Jexachel, Carmamind_Curtis, amugglesadly, tzaikii, like_sands_of_time, athansolo, guroseinsei, MondlerLover84, OwlWolf22091, ellie_in_space, HauntingAria715, maddietexan33, Ririfiction, bakayuni, moonlightbookgirl, annesoares, unstoppable95, IntrovertedOwl, riotgrrrlswhore, mkykszjbpc, and LokisHorcrux9 UNDER EDITING . tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. The one with the made up imagines. Any better?. She had told Joey that Chandler had been fine without him. Take the NyQuil, Joey. Joey cant sleep. Joey Tribbiani/Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), The One Where Joey Kisses Chandler on New Years Day (and its never addressed again in canon but Im going to change that), I just want to make you feel better & i just want you to be happy again. and hit him around the head with it, which also made him feel dizzy. get some two hours ago. "What you up to?" But Monica didn't want to risk it by getting his hopes up about Joey coming back. Joey and Chandler walk into the place and a sigh leaves your mouth as you look at them. pessoa, sobre como Chandler e Joey comearam a namorar. Observant wasnt exactly a word Chandler would choose to describe himself, but he knew when Joey was coming down with something, even if Joey didnt. her is hard but if you never told her that Spite (TOW The Metaphorical Tunnel) Rachel and Monica's old friend Giovanna moves to the city and the three friends reunite. What, Joey? By "He's beautiful when he's sad," Rachel commented. Monica wanted to know. Today is the day he is going to tell Rachel how he truly feels. Chandler is getting stressed out. Karen's new roommate is off trying to 'sweet talk' her brother Daniel when Joey walks into her dorm. Of course, Chandler felt even guiltier after he left Central Perk and went back out to finish his errands. Joeys nervous about an audition he has the next day. Joey looked up at him wearily. "I don't think I've ever seen a man so upset. "I don't know, you're his girlfriend. The One Where Joey Sleeps With Monica And Chandler's Daughter. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). tonymonroe, the youngest geller falls in love with the charming tribbiani "Then how could you know he was upset? "I think he's afraid he's lost Joey, like this distance between them is more than just a couple of blocks.". He tries everything to get more comfortable with it. Please consider turning it on! 6. Hey, Joe, I picked up some NyQuil. The warm feeling of one of Chandler's sweaters is filling up your body as you lay on the couch of Monica's appartment. Part of her really hated that she had been comforting Joey instead of her best friend, especially knowing that she had left Chandler with Ross and Rachel, who weren't the most tactful people. "Hey," Monica called softly as she walked into Chandler's apartment. chandler Francine "Francie" Irene Bianca "Bina" Tribbiani is the twin sister of Joseph "Joey" Francis Tribbiani Jr. Kaiba just glared as a response. Joey has an audition in which he has to kiss a man. From The Very Beginning 6 parts Ongoing "His eyes would light as she entered the room. He meant to tell her at her apartment earlier today, but she was in a hurry. Of course, now Chandler felt guilty again for laughing at him. Monica bent down to kiss the youngest of the group's hair before wandering over to Rachel. as well as Tired I guess. That had been the closest Monica had ever come to touching Chandler Bing's hair. Chandler carefully lifted his hand to feel Joeys forehead, finding it incredibly hot. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Rachel nodded, "Upset. But Monica knew how close the boys had become and how Chandler took care of Joey like a brother. Phoebe repeated her action, leaving the three guys on their own. How about Joey's response when his best friend might be losing that fight? It was so typical of Chandler to dismiss his own feelings for the sake of making someone else feel better. He teaches 6th grade and also has 2 kids. Get back into bed. Joey glanced down. I'm debating on writing thisso , would anyone here read a Friends fanfiction if it was posted? Chandler has a toothache and Joey looks after him. man.. Not when it's so easy for him not to be.". His eyes didnt leave Joeys face, and he couldnt help but grin when the smile returned to his roommates face. Joey? he asked, turning around to see his rain-soaked friend looking pathetically shivering in the doorway.What happened to you?. They'd just come back from another morning at Joey's new apartment, and they wanted to let Chandler know he was doing okay. And in May 2004, she became a mother. He has been, all his life. Please don't let him want to move in with Joey to save their friendship. He is best known for being a ladies' man and a rather silly but adorable personality. The blue was light and the lashes were long, and they drooped down at the sides. Just until you fall asleep, he warned as he crawled into bed beside Joey, who instantly clung to him and pulled him close. he asks before pressing a kiss onto your head. How come the principal let him replace english with dueling class? I'm a fairly new fan to Friends, so I hope I captured the characters well. I would absolutely read a Friends fanfic!!!!! Okay? Chandler asked, Joey nodded and sniffled. Please cuddle me. Is everything okay? Rachel asked, as she, Monica, Phoebe and Ross stepped into the apartment. and a cute, sleepy Joey.. Monica wanted to slap him and bundle him up in her arms at the same time. June 17, 2022 . Joey has an audition in which he has to kiss a man. #1 in joeytribianni But he shrugged, ruffling Joeys hair and leaving the two roommates alone again. Yeah. What she doesn't expec Rachel and Monica's old friend Giovanna moves to the city and the three friends reunite. The Lorraine Minerva Kent is 26 years old and is just trying to find her way on her own in the New York City when she meets a group of 7 friends and her life is changed. There are a lot of views on fanfictions of any sort; someone is going to end up reading it and liking it. And in May 2004, she became a mother. It doesn't matter. OC X JOEY TRIBBIANI Chandler! Joey called out hoarsely, practically whining. Somehow, after eating the soup, Joeys cough had gotten even worse. What happens when she meets a certain Italian. | In which Monica Gelle || "Oh honey, you're so beautiful you make my heart beat like it's running a marathon." Ross moved to sit in front of his college roommate, and the other girls stood in the space of the kitchen, waiting for instructions. The One With The Smelly Carrot. One in 3rd an Chandler and Joey are a couple wether you want it or not(: ALL THE STORIES IN THIS COMPILATION ARE FROM AO3. " {" ' , ' , ' -" There's no denying that Monica and Joey had chemistry when they first met. The most surprising thing about Friends is the fact that Monica and Joey stayed completely platonic for the entire series. Chandler had tried to talk to him about it but Joey would insist that there was nothing wrong. She linked her fingers together and leant forward onto her elbows, laying her forearms across the table. And I know, but you itll take much longer for you to get better if you dont go back to sleep. Work Search: you snap and he sighs. *Contains slash. Why are you still in bed anyway, its 2pm. Joey groaned, falling back onto his bed and running a hand through his hair. He shrugged as an idea popped into his head. I've always wanted to watch Friends; if I ever get around to doing so and you want to, can we write this together, too. He was always pushing them up above his elbows, rolling the cuffs up his forearms. At one, he finished, sniffling thickly. The One Where Ross is GONE, a friends fanfic | FanFiction Date written: Sun 17 Jan 1999 Author: Starway Man Disclaimer: All the characters belong to David Crane, Marta Kaufmann and Kevin Bright, no infringement of copyright is intended, blah blah. Monica made you some of her special soup, do you want me to heat some up for you?. Now Chandler is stuck on the other side of the world with a group of men named the Stardust Crusaders, with only two choices: Defeat Dio or die trying. All he cared about was seeing Joey, and maybe the others. Bruises littered his arms and there was a dirty shoe impression in his back. I feel icky. Chandler grunted as he got out of bed and made his way to Joeys room, throwing open the door and flicking on the light switch. What happens when she meets a certain Italian. Chandler was sitting on his couch, wrapped in his chequered robe. Now it's just about him, about how he makes you feel, how he will make your day if you're sad and how you think that he's just perfect. Joey shuffled in his sleep, the smile leaving his face and being replaced by a frown, Chandler's hand leaving his hair. I just started watching Friends (and I have a huge crush on Chandler), so if you wrote something I would love to read it. Shouldn't you know?" Chandler! he called again, his voice cracking on the a in a way that somehow managed to be cute. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Joey walks back to the bag. He stood up, stepping sideways slightly, then back, then forwards, then back to where he started. 131K 2.8K 17. Gay Friends oneshots but mainly chanoey/Jandler fluff things. The One where Chandler Pines for a Sick Joey. Joey wasnt sure he cared, as Chandlers hands slid behind his back, and he wasn't sure if that made him worse.. chandler Francine "Francie" Irene Bianca "Bina" Tribbiani is the twin sister of Joseph "Joey" Francis Tribbiani Jr. Im cold, Joey whined. Joey stopped shuffling, the smile returning to his face. Friends 2: The One Without A Wedding Ring. chanoey. Well be over in our apartment if youre gonna come over when he wakes up. However, his luck is about to get even worse when his attempt to avoid his annoying ex sees him flying to Yemen with a stop in Cairo, Egypt. He was sound asleep within minutes. Okay, fine- but its not gonna be all night, okay? "No you're not going, you need to rest!" "Rachel! She'd done it mostly to protect Chandler. "He just kind of looked at me with those big blue eyes and dropped his head to my shoulder," Rachel recounted. "I just don't want to get sick!" 2019 | livschaos The siblings have 7 sisters. Chandler tilted his head back to look at Monica, looking for all the world like a little boy with wide blue eyes. Unedited How amazing for him. Sneeze Fetish Forum Chandler really 'clicks' with a girl and despite a slight hiccup, they decide to meet.When Janice shows up, Chandler decides he has to take this shot.This must mean something, right? The one where Joey is sick Eternalkryptonite96 Summary: Joey's Sick and Chandler looks after him. Chandler put a finger to his lips and made a shushing noise. I am still in bed. Chandler stared at Joey for a few seconds before rolling his eyes and pulling Joeys duvet back up to his shoulders. Monica hung her coat up on the rack and paused there, not turning to look at Rachel just yet. gianna tribbiani. Chandler holds him and gives him cuddles as hes falling asleep, something like that., Cue fluff, a lot of fluff. Starting from "The One With the Ick Factor", I wanted to pursue a alternate path where Joey and Chandler fall in love. Work Search: tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, Its started with a betIt always starts with a betSeason 1 plot twist. Humor Romance Friend Ocs Rachel Joey Monica Chandler Phoebe Ross The classic American TV show Friends, but with add in two more members that may help with diversity. Also, he had to get a good nights sleep for work on monday. Joey coughed loudly in response, barely managing a strained yes somewhere in the middle of the fit. Shopping. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She cast a look to her brother and he nodded, understanding her silent message. i obviously don't own FRIENDS, Rosalie Capitani finds herself outside of her ex boyfriends apartment in New York with her Daughter Emilia looking for help. They wouldn't lose touch, they couldn't. He hoped Mr Trager wouldnt tear him a new one about leaving rainwater all over the entrance. Sometimes, she was ashamed to admit, she barely even noticed he was doing it. I did not write this summary I found it on google. She'd known Chandler for a long time and he'd lived with Ross for a lot of that time. "I sat next to him, and we told him that it didn't look like Joey was coming back, that he looks happy. And she was almost certain that, if push came to shove, Chandler would pick his brother over whatever he saw her as. Just wanted to say. Yeah, thanks Chandler. chandler breaks up with Janice and starts having dreams about his future with Monica. "Joe? At least thats what she tells herself. his voice was small, subdued, and he didn't turn to face them as they entered. She had known it when she had left Chandler with Rachel and Ross and she was almost happy to have been proven correct. Language: English Words: 7,153 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 1 Hits: he happily obliges to Joeys request. But Ross isnt here right now and he probably wont want to watch it with you in case he gets sick. Joey shrugged, dropping his head back down on the pillow. Not in real life.". What words did he use exactly? tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit), 1. Not many people reply to these things, these posts in this section about fanfics. Joey frowned at the pink on his cheeks. I actually think its a really pretty name, Chandler commented, at which Joey shrugged. It's so soft.". So, he started, trying to focus on anything else, you going to Phoebes friends poetry slam?, Oh, thats tonight, Joey said with a slight scowl. She wasn't proud of it, but Monica made her voice rise, almost angrily. Would it really hurt him to pick his poor, sick friend up some NyQuil? She dropped her hand from the leather of the lounge and squeezed his shoulder, nodding. How will the family cope with Chandler now fighting for his life in a coma? This is my first Friends fic, I hope you guys like it. The rain still hadnt let up, and due to the rapidly approaching winter, it was already dark and hadnt even turned eight oclock yet. Picture the scene: Monica and Chandler's twins Karen and Daniel are heading off to NYU. When Joey proposes to just go with them Ross says that maybe getting beat up is just something every man has to go through once in their life. (Requests are open). Y/n was at the way home after another failure day of job search. It's simple math. 3. 2. Who had it all 3. # 4. "God chandler, can you just cuddle me instead of making those sarcastic comments.". On May 15, 2001, she realized her first dream: to be a bride. You have to keep me warm, Joey insisted, sniffling as he lifted the blanket for Chandler to lie down next to him. Monica knew he had been worried about Joey. While a potential relationship between the two of . When the Geller-Bing family goes to Disneyland for Jack and Erica's fourth birthday, things go very wrong when Jack's life is threatened leading to his protective father, Chandler, to be shot. You werent at the coffee house. GAY CRAP AND SOME MAKING OUT 2. he asks Chandler for a kiss for good luck. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Browse through and read popular joey x chandler fanfiction stories and books. Chandler remembered hearing Joey snoring very clearly at just eleven. Chandler bit his lip as he tried to think of a way to make Joey less sad without having to go and get Ross. Woah baby | A Friends Fanfiction by Marilyn (May not update books) 8.1K 87 7 Zaramilla Mariana Jayne Pritchard (Zoey Deutch) is a single mother.One day as she walks into the Hospital pregnant and in labor she meets a kind man who helps her delive. "No, it really sucks.." you pout while walking over to Monica who is now putting away the groceries. A forewarning this will be very dialogue heavy because since I dont own friends I dont want to put thoughts into their heads so I am just going off what they say and do. he gets home and he gives the gift or treat to Joey who wonders what hes done to deserve this gift or treat. He is seriously going to do it. Joey was a big boy and could make his own decisions. This is the first season if you will, each episode will be one chapter. Have fun reading I hope I bring the essence friends has to words. Did she remember the hotdog, like Moms? he asked with a sniffle. " {" ' , ' , ' -" Thats what I meant by getting back into bed, you doofus. See ya. Rachel informed Chandler, leading the others out the apartment and across the hall. He has absolutely no energy to argue back, in fact, his brain can't even come up with a properly sarcastic comeback. He had to bite his lip to keep from laughing at his friends misfortune. what happens when my english teacher gets attacked my evil chickens and Seto kaiba replaces her? Joey playfully elbowed him. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (116), Chandler Bing/Ross Geller/Joey Tribbiani (4), M/M Bracket 1B. It doesn't. :-). She waited for Ross to comment on the action, he had a full view of it, after all. But I just held him against me like that until he felt better. They remind me of Monica, Phoebe said fondly. Chandler just says and he just tells him that he means the world to him and that he loves him and that he deserves it. Joey stopped shuffling, the smile returning to his face. Friends Imagines Fanfiction. The bullies in the coffeehouse threaten to beat up Ross and Chandler. "I don't think he cried. Discovered by their group of friends and outed as a couple, Joey and Chandler are forced to navigate their relationship outside of closed doors. Chandler couldnt resist anymore. Found potential Takes place in Season 4. Monica has to work on Valentine's Day while everyone else has a date. Remote in hand, Chandler was just flicking off Seinfeld when a broad shadow covered the screen. "What did he say exactly?" Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Please? he begged- that was just too much. Who had it all ). Hey Joe, can I have a bite of that? See you then. Under editing, Chandler Bing x Reader 3 One Episode Categorically Proves That Joey Is A Sex Addict, And The Other Friends Even Agree Warner Bros. "Please tell me you didn't actually say that to him. But be quiet Joeys asleep on the sofa. 25ChandlerChandler, Joeys sleepy. Chandler wasnt surprised when he came home to find Joey curled up on the couch with the TV still on. Chandler seems to learn new things every day. "We told him the truth. . If there was talk of Joey struggling to make rent or not making friends in his building, she could be certain Chandler would take drastic measures to assist him. Basically, what if episode 2.24 had gone a little differently(and then I shove some events from season four into season three for ~drama~). "Thanks Mon." Joey spin-off will not be counted in this fanfiction. (Requests are open). Joey felt a hand on his forehead, his eyes crossing as he tried to look up at the hand. I wrote the New Years kiss scene between Joey and Chandler. Next to them, Rachel reluctantly poured Joey another cup of coffee. It will take me a million years but Ill get there eventually. Basically inspired to write this after watching season 2 of Friends (episode 16 to 19). You can have the whole thing. Im trying to sleep! Chandler called back, feigning annoyance. a blonde zoological sciences expert has just moved to new york city after her boyfriend cheated on her. Hey, just go to sleep. This is for all you Joey fans Joseph Francis "Joey" Tribbiani Jr., was one of the main characters on Friends (1994-2004) and the title character in the spin-off Joey (2004-2006). They ARE videos, but they're not rentals. Chandler went to bed at just around eleven, since he had work the next day. Found potential Lunch. The Lorraine Minerva Kent is 26 years old and is just trying to find her way on her own in the New York City when she meets a group of 7 friends and her life is changed. The brunette tried moving away, but to no avail with nowhere to move to. She always did whatever he asked. "Better than he was yesterday, I think," Ross commented sincerely. Then everyone ends up at the hospital so they can still spend Thanksgiving together. Chandler just says and he just tells him that he means the world to him and that he loves him and that he deserves it. ", Rachel shrugged. Seniorstatus14February 4, 2014 in Observations, Stories, & Art. "Open your mouth." Joey ordered. ** Joey has a bad day and Chandler comforts him. Go back to sleep. He instructed, trying to look stern and failing miserably. Sick Day, a friends fanfic | FanFiction Title: Sick Day Author: Katherine Hansen Rating: G Summary: Chandler gets sick. Chandler stepped into the foyer of his apartment building, shaking off his umbrella. taehyungification. Why not?, Im still kinda tired, Joey said with a shrug. Monica glared at Phoebe. "He might be," Monica admitted. Monica clenched her teeth. Chandler is twenty-five and decidedly too old to be pining for his straight roommate. I need to improve!I've just binge watched all 10 seasons of Friends so I'm kinda on a Friends high right now. His thought process was interrupted when he noticed Joey doing that cute cat-stretch thing he always did when he woke up. (aka, Chandler's love language is gift giving), Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (193), Chandler Bing & Phoebe Buffay & Monica Geller & Ross Geller & Rachel Green & Joey Tribbiani (20), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (63), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Joey Tribbiani/Original Female Character(s), Chandler Bing & Phoebe Buffay & Monica Geller & Ross Geller & Rachel Green & Joey Tribbiani, i've been listening to the beastie boys and binging friends for 12 days send help, Episode: s02e24 The One with Barry and Mindy's Wedding. ", Monica shook her head at her clueless friend. Joey nodded and grinned as his roommate inserted the video into the TV, one hand under his pillow and the other in front of his face as his eyes fixed on the screen. He shook him gently, trying not to hurt him. Chandler buys Joey something nice on the way home maybe a gift or a cake or something. Chandler glares at her where she has settled in the chair beside the coffee table. ", ." He may or may not have kissed his forehead, too. Chandler could barely understand him past the snot and didnt even pick up on the grammar mistake. So I have an idea to write a Friends fanfiction where probably Rachel is sick with a cold or the flu or something. He sounded so lost, so vulnerable. Joeys nervous about an audition he has the next day. One side of his head was matted with blood, making his dark hair stick to his face. boy/boy (One-Shot) Vocs se lembram daquele episdio da fita de hipnose? No, Chandler, Joey called back, his voice making everything he said super adorable. "What did he say to that?" wattys2017. She knew it looked soft to touch, like it wouldn't tangle even if she threaded her fingers through it roughly. Oh, well. "Feeling better?" By the end of the film, Joey was sleeping soundly, Chandlers hand still resting atop of his head, fingers entwined with the dark hair. That is until he meets his stalker face-to-face.He can be alone forever, or he can indulge in his stalker's affections. which he does but only because Joey tells him to. Im not kissing him. Ross deadpanned. Twice. When Joey learns that Chandler's moving out, he does everything he can to convince him to stay. You Are Here: unblocked sticky ninja east london walking tour self guided friends fanfiction joey collapses. he happily obliges to Joey's request. Read Happiness to find out. "Hi Mon." Chandler nodded. Litterally every episode of Friends with Y/n. Disclaimer: They're not mine, I wish they were, but they're not. He groaned as he sat up, holding his head and glaring at his roommate. I just slept for, 17 hours, Joey. Joey stopped shuffling, the smile returning to his face. Joey has been your crush since the moment you first laid eyes on him, at first it was because of his looks ofcourse. He reached over without thinking and put his hand on Kaiba's forehead. What was her name again? he gets home and he gives the gift or treat to Joey who wonders what hes done to deserve this gift or treat. Will the F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I make jokes when I'm uncomfortable. Part of her really hated that she had been comforting Joey instead of her best friend, especially knowing that she had left Chandler with Ross and Rachel, who weren't the most tactful people. Rachel cant like Chandler, and goddamnit she will fight her feelings tooth and nail. (Requests are open). But then why did he feel so guilty? After the success of Changing the Locks, the story in which Chandler and Joey's love affair is discovered by their groups of friends, comes Happiness! Joey and Chandler have been dating for a few months now, today was diff **It's been a while since I last wrote a one-shot. I thought today would be normal but little did i know that when i walked in to the coffe shop i would meet my soulmate. i obviously don't own FRIENDS, Rosalie Capitani finds herself outside of her ex boyfriends apartment in New York with her Daughter Emilia looking for help. Please consider turning it on! "He was kind of sad this morning when we told him you had started interviewing for a new roommate.". While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Crack taken seriously! The One With The Cracker Jack, Part 2. Her blossoming hair, her immense beauty would make e. night changes | Joey Tribbiani 17 parts Ongoing She is excited to start a life away from her parents and continue her passion for writing. Part 3 of Anything can happen & Anything goes:Plot wise, Trope wise. She knew those eyes. Litterally every episode of Friends with Y/n. She rifled through her coat pockets to make sure there was nothing left in them, she knew there wasn't but she needed a second. Monica wasn't looking forward to trying to make sense of what those two recounted of their conversation, preparing herself for trying to analyse what Chandler had actually been trying to say from their second-hand accounts. I guess I must have went bed too late last night.. Then he sneezed again. Phoebe repeated her action, leaving the three guys on their own. Anyways, to answer your question: If I started watching Friends, I would read it. Truth or dare (smut) by lillylovesfriendss. This is more of a close friends/pre-relationship fic, but still. Contents 1 Background 1.1 Early life 2 Series 2.1 Season 1 2.2 Season 2 Chandler really 'clicks' with a girl and despite a slight hiccup, they decide to meet.When Janice shows up, Chandler decides he has to take this shot.This must mean something, right? Monica nodded without registering what her friend had said and then looked up at Rachel abruptly. I dunno. friends is my newest obsession so i decided to make one ", Monica lifted her hands from the table and covered her mouth, closing her eyes. Joey gets sick and Chandler comforts him. The next morning passed pretty normally for Chandler, apart from the fact that Joey was sleeping for most of it. Comfort (TOW Joey Moves Out) I didn't know that the destination loves to surprises us, because I would never imagine someday I could have something with Rachel beyond our friendship. Read Sick- Chandler from the story Friends Imagines by 0nlyAngelx (Angel) with 15,325 reads.

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friends fanfiction joey sick