Beautiful interview! I was lucky enough to have 8 siblings. I had a fondness for choose your own adventure books as a child so much wonder in the possibility. I think it just gave me a lifetime love of reading Thankyou for sharing Zos book, it looks beautiful, As a child who grew up to be an English major I loved all books and a trip to the library was a thrill! The dog and horse books were my dreams of wanting a dogandahorse. As an elementary teacher Ive always read these stories to my students and they love them too. I grew up loving everything about the land and the beauty it encompassed. Type a word and press enter to find rhymes. Classic tales that were condensed. Sign up above and receive all new No Time for Flashcards posts directly in your email inbox. As a child I had a book about families traveling by covered wagon on the Oregon Trail. Around 8 or 9, I fell in live with the Boxcar Children series and the story of Heidi. Heidi, Secret Garden, all of Anne of Green Gables and the Emily Books, the Chronicles of Narnia. 50 years later I now live in a log cabin in a field with a bison farm as neighbours! Amazing. I think this book will be a perfect addition to an afternoon on the porch with a tall glass of icy lemonade! 5. Much like the giant, I didnt possess the same characteristics as my peers in an office setting. What a cool idea, and stunning images! I have re-read The Illustrated Man so many times over the years, that my copy is being held together with rubber bands. So I try to win one. You might be surprised at how good it can be. Recently, my sister asked me for my input with designing her front landscape for her familys home. I know its a Christmas book, but my grandpa gave it to me when I was eight and told me he still hears the bell every Christmas. They had these line drawn pictures with all sorts of crazy stuff hidden. I was the fifth of sixth children and still felt like I was so special because she made the time to read with me. How do you pick just one!? I simply love flowers. Anne of Green Gables from my childhood was hugely influential for me! We have many more tools to help you be a better writer. t his is is Erins book & I think this beautifully reviewed book now! As a little girl, my parents would send me to stay with my grandparents every summer. Here are some common ones that you could use: Click here for other lists of rhyming words. I read anything I could get my hands on. But, when my daughter was young, we loved the Where is Waldo series, that is a great seek and find book for young children. We just have to borrow the farm animals experience because our HOA wont allow them, Where The red fern Grows. I enjoy supporting organizations that protect wildlife. Budget does require visits to the library and used bookstores, as well as sharing with friends, but I do try and buy new books whenever possible to support our wonderful writers! Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes is my childhood favorite. I wanted to be outdoors playing and exploring. We would pretend we lived out in the woods just like the boxcar kids did, and those are some of my favorite childhood memories. They captured my imagination and I loved reading about historical peoples lives such as Betsy Ross, Dolly Madison, Harriet Tubman, etc. Black Beauty made it home with me a few times, but I eventually fell in love with reading in college, but still have a designated shelf for my children/grandchildren full of seek & find books. What color, what shape??? Im working on expanding my garden. She mostly loved wandering around amongst the flowers and trees where she was truly inspired. I also have many flower books that I sit and peruse with my grandchildren and this one would just amp up the fun wed have exploring flowers together. How will I use these flowers? It inspired me to appreciate nature as a young child, especially when visiting my grandparents spectacular garden around the corner from our home and helping my mom in our own family flower garden. I plant more and more every year on our small farm in Oregon. Misty of Chincoteague, Black Beauty, King of the Wind I just loved all books and reading in general. As a child my favorite book was , Put Me In The Zoo. Flowers are definitely a spirit animal for me. They were alone but took care of each other. I know it sounds cliche but it provided me a glimpse of another world that could be mine. As a child let loose in a library, I would just flit from book to book randomly, like a bee or butterfly in a flower patch. I would take my book and go into isolation in the farthest corner of our apple orchard and climb my favorite tree. I also was entranced by the I Spy books and the Sammy books, which were a similar concept, when I was young. As I sit here in my warm, cozy home with 5 feet of snow outside and watching it continue to snow Ive been pulling out my gardening books and coffee table books seeking some inspiration and hope that Spring will arrive before I know it. So eat up your greens, and enjoy their crunch and snap, Packed full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Im also hoping I can visit your farm as I roadtrip through WA state this summer! I would say my favorite book when I was about seven was Mr. Bells Fix-it shop. As an only child I loved reading as a way to interact, learn, and live in a different environment. XIPXI means cat in the ronga language from Southern Mozambique. Such eye openers to the world beyond my imagination. Her description of the outside world was so vivid. Now, my job involves protecting native vegetation and I get to hike in the mountains a lot! Plays. I am a identical twin and there was a set of twin bears in the book (Flora and Dora) and I remember loving to see how each bear had their own interests and styles but in the end all loved eachothers company. I could hardly wait to read that story because i didnt know the word dark. Learn how your comment data is processed. It tells the tale of a bright, curious girl who embarks on an adventure to discover the mystery behind the ever-changing colors of snow on the mountain in the distance. I still love to read and need to read something every day. Thank you for the opportunity to win such a lovely book! I was into The Magic faraway tree and similar. Theres nothing quite so filling as a bowl of grain . Just beautiful visuals. The Book With No Pictures by B J Novak; The Diary of a Killer Cat by Anne Fine; The Hundred-Mile-An-Hour Dog . So beautiful! What a beautiful story of love, family, creativity and harnessing the beauty of nature in extraordinary ways. Sometimes I feel like Im from another planet. Both of these jobs have displayed some beautiful flower arrangements in their environments. I sped through the Goosebumps series at the library and then was left hunting for more ways to get that safe, scary thrill of reading a horror novel. I still love to read books over and over and I still love to read and especially watch a good mystery movie or TV series. iPhone; Android; FAQ; Blog; B-Rhymes Find words that almost rhyme. This is such a fun question to think about! As a child I loved books with fantasy, mystery and intrigue. As a child I loved reading Little House on the Prairie. My mother read to us very night before bed, we four girls curled up around her. Had many. I love all things minature still and design small vignettes for decor and fairy gardens. I loved the Anne of green gables stories .. such a dreamy story full of love and triumph it made me rethink about having a dream and appreciate the beautiful details of this world. As a child and still today I love books about old fashioned living in the country. Heaven! Those illustrations, along with my maternal and paternal grandmothers love of gardens shaped that same love of flowers that I have. At first, I was reading lots of WWII fiction based on true stories and real people. Repetitive books were my favorite to read as a kid. My 7th grade teacher read it out loud to us and then I read it myself over the years. All the different animals going about their busy lives. Zoes book is absolutely stunning! Reading the descriptions of the natural world, of relationships, and feelings opened my mind and soul to seeing the poetry of life. I loved the lessons. Harry Potter was my favorite series as a child. As an adult my husband bought me Florets Flower books(2 of them) and now I cant wait to add to my collection. Choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life.. Confucius. As I garden, I still imagine that magic and fairies and gnombes hiding everywhere. In short we all are given the option to choose our path and the direction we take with our lives. I loved all books that took me to a new world or place. I loved the adventure, purity of heart and love story! Will keep NZ, Zos family and farm in our prayers. And my fav part was when this little girl, who seemingly had nothing, would sit on her fire escape with a little glass of water and her books with her tree as her companion. I also anxiously await every Louise Penny Book. Her grandfather lived by the sea. I think those books made me see that poetry doesnt have to be grand. My lilac bush is over 30 years old and goes up to the second story of our home! They allowed me to escape a not-so-magical reality, and let my imagination roam free. Over the years I have learned how important color and pictures play into my creativity, jumpstart my imagination and affect how I perceive the world. During my Childhood, my Parents bought and read many books to me! It taught me to look past what was the initial function to find additional treasures. stoga boot. Such a unique idea! Her storytelling stems from her own life and the real life characters in her family and friends make these books so endearing. I loved all the Shel Silversteins books like Where the Sidewalk Ends. They feel free to laugh, pretend, and get stronger. As a little girl my favourite book was an Enid Blyton fairy chapter book, I loved the magic within and would often make my own fairy gardens to match the stories. pharma calculation But I would have to say as a very young child, Fairy Tales that included a princess (which of course was me) were my favorite! Wow, quel beau livre! Zoes book is gorgeous and makes me nostalgic for the I Spy books my children loved. Its just one of the many things we share now. I was thrilled that Nancy was clever, adventurous and independent. Duo at placerat consulatu reprehendunt, te bonorum invidunt legendos vis. I also have always dreamed of growing flowers a dream I am at last achieving and would love love love to have a walled garden with a secret door. They influenced me in several ways, I loved the sense of adventure that Pooh and his friends always had, whether catching hefalumps or playing Pooh sticks plus they were always kind to each other. I always loved the choose your own adventure books as a child. and I still love it. So many adventures and life lessons as families pulled together to make a life for themselves. My mother would read it over and over. This book looks absolutely stunning. Now I read plant books and gain information on different varieties and a glimpse into that world. I was an outdoor girl and spent hours in the woods and along our pond with my dogs. So go ahead and make yourself a salad today! A workmate was encouraging me to change as he felt I was missing out on something very important in my life. Thank you very much for sharing it all with us and best wishes to Zo, her mother, and the rest of her family! Im not a veterinarian but I still have a great love for all animals. Especially loved anything about how things were in the olden days ! He told her to travel everywhere her heart desired, but then she had to promise to come back home and do something to make the world a better place. My favorite was The Keeping Quilt by Patricia Pollaco. I read so many books as a child and loved them all, from horse stories to mystery series. (This admission may be dating me !) Anything that allowed me to escape reality! My escape in those days were books and my dreams. My mom took us to the library every week during summer break. Non fiction especially. Books. Although I read everything I could get my hands on pretty much. There is much to learn from others and Im still reading and learning lots every day! Theres magic in the world around us, and I see this with my children when they play. I am a workshop student for 2023 and am overwhelmed by how much I dont know. My favorite series of books to read as a child was the adventure series The Boxcar Children. I read dozens of them! I read so many to my children as they grew. ProperNoun. The only connection I can see with what Ive been doing for 40 plus years is that if a plant shows a sign of a problem, I solve the mystery by following the clues and investigate through much research. Tii hi is book looks stunning!! The book looks dreamy! Dr. Seuss books with Oh, the Places Youll Go being the favorite! While it wasnt fiction it did inspire lots of creative imaginings that have been a part of my entire life. I even hid under my bed when our family was heading out to church because I just wanted to stay home, sit on my bed and read my book again. I hadnt thought of that book in many years (I am now 65) and was awash with emotions! I remember I loved the book Heidi as it is that I remember her reading to me. And the photos are lovely :) the book that most interested me as a child was Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak Its good to be wild and and let loose! One book could tell so many stories and encouraged re-reading. I believe that reading fueled my love for learning and being able to really listen to people. Which words rhyme? As an adult, I can read the books with my children and it gives me a lot of gratitude for modern comforts like toilets and running water! Her farm and the photos are gorgeous and I would love to visit one day. I just had my first baby and I teared up when I opened a gift that someone had given us, a copy of Frog and Toads adventures! Hello Im so excited to hear about Zoe and from my country of birth! Ive always been a sensitive person and that book helped me to understand compassion. Since a child, I have always loved reading historical non-fiction such as stories about the founding of our incredible country or legendary expeditions to far-flung places. I loved Roald Dahl, Madeleine LEngle, Beverley Cleary, and also raiding the art and travel books in our library. I loved reading mysteries maybe thats why I love mystery podcasts now and why I love learning new things! To this day I am moved to bring could be friends into my life and the lives of others, and cherish lovely garden spots that are tucked away. Each picture can provide so much interest and enjoyment. That has never faded and I dont think it ironic that I now own and operate a thriving horse farm filled with Thoroughbreds! I love anything horse related (The Saddle Club, Thoroughbred, Black Beauty). Ive fallen in love with other genres since then, but still have a love for anything extraordinarily imaginative. The Fox and the Hound was one of my favorites. That led to planting my first seeds (nasturtiums), progressing to tall garden phlox, coneflowers, lilies and dahlias. I red Anne of Green Gables a lot of times! Required fields are marked *. Im hoping to grow some of my own! A lasting friendship between two unlikely playmates reminds me that anything is possible and there is a Greater Being in control. I later became a photographer very much inspired by those books. Where there was hurt at home , there lied hope in between the pages. Loved all those characters! Also, this is not a book but I eagerly awaited the arrival of Sunset Magazine every month and read it from cover to cover! think they have taught me to be aware of all around me- really enjoy people watching and nature watching. I also loved the ISPY books growing up! Now as a senior adult volunteering in a special garden in our city I am always learning & transfixed by the other volunteers flower arrangements, sold to supplement our gardens desire for the next must have for an arrangement ! So flowers, nature and magical creatures have always found me as I too look for them. My favorite book as a teen was The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady by Edith Holden. As a child I was most interested in books with strong female leads, like Little Women! I dont know about you, but if Im going to choose between thieve and breach (which do not rhyme), Ill always choose thieve, Why? It was always so exciting to see what came up since I tended to pack it full of EVERYTHING! Donations can be made to the Red Cross New Zealand Disaster fund or I have a link to a list of various organizations directly helping those in more rural communities. I loved to pick them, arrange, and give them to elderly people. Its still with me and Im creating now my own little secret garden. King of the Wind, Call of the Wild, Where the Red Fern Grows, Julie of the Wolves, My a side Of the Mountain Black Beauty Black Stallion, and all the garden catalogs I could find. In recent years Ive been pulled towards flowers, mandalas, and abstract suns. Maybe thats what started my love of gardening! Place all the food in one pile and the rhyming objects in another. As an adult and teacher, Ive loved childrens picture books. I get lost in it and then I go into my garden and dote on my flowers. My favorites kind of books as a kid were the ones that you were the hero and that youd decide the outcome of the story. I have always loved flowers even from a young age but more so now that I am retired so would love a copy of this book. Both of us took to heart the advice Miss Rumphius declared we should all do which is to make the world more beautiful. I loved this book so much as a child that by age 5 I had it memorized from listening to my parents read it to me every night. Alexis Atlamazoglu on Instagram: "Sometimes food is so easybut I love books and reading so much that I became a librarian and have been for 20+ years. I eventually became a sixth grade teacher myself and then homeschooled my own children and continued the tradition. going through it cutting out pictures and creating matching and coordinated ensembles. I am trying hard to nurture their love and excitement around books. I would take some thick, heavy books with me when we went on vacation and pick flowers from that area and press along our journeys. Near rhymes work great for songwriting, often giving a more interesting feel than perfect rhymes. Yuck, packaged food, it looks so bland. Definitely going to add to my Amazon wishlist. Unfortunately, I was not much of a reader as a child but grew up to love books -especially childrens books! It was always hysterical fun to see who found an item first. I loved all sorts of books as a child and the library was a thing of wonder to me. Its from cutting she got from Government house in Russell, its supper hardy so if you ever want a cutting just say. As a child my favorite book series were Enid Blytons series about the Magic Faraway Tree and the Enchanted Wood. Words that rhyme with alexis - Prime-Rhyme I was that child who was always reading from a very young age. YOU. I loved reading as a child! My favorite book as a child was The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. It peaked my imagination and I truly believe my unstoppable sense of exploration stems from that book. So much freedom to roam! As a child I did not have books. I was pleased to find that she was short like me, her kitchen cabinets were built for her height. I love dogs and currently have three in home and my family has a long history of being in the armed forces. And two very memorable books were Mandy by Julie Andrews (an orphan finds a cottage and makes it her own with found treasures!) I loved so many books as a childhard to choose just one! Preferably an old one where attics held treasures and secret doors and nooks abounded. My favorite books as a child were Alices Adventures in Wonderland, and Through The Looking Glass. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. An inspiration of what friends can do for you. I havent let it leave my house yet! My favorite books as a child were Dr Seuss books. College classes as a biology major taught me how to truly observe the wonder of the natural world and books were always the most efficient means to gain knowledge quickly. Zoes book looks wonderful, she has an incredible eye for colour. I have always loved reading, and as a child I devoured all kinds of books. I was so intrigued, as a child, by books that demonstrated any kind of art or craft! I could sit for hours just staring at all the little trinkets. At 69 I still read The Secret Garden and find the same solace as a child. I didnt even realize the book had words until I was an adult and I bought a copy of it for my own children. And I bet you love rhymes too. Her illustrations are colorful and full of movement to go along with her stories. This rhyming game is a free printable, so click on that link below to get your own. And now that my mom is gone, I look back on those years more fondly than ever and whisper prayers of thanks that she gave me such a powerful love of all things plants. I have so many childhood favourite books. She planted purple Lupine seeds across the hills with the help of her friends and family. I fell in love with secret spaces and recovering lost beauty, digging in the soil and growing beautiful flowers. My two favorites were HEIDI and THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. Sewing my clothes led me into fashion design and the significance of color which now is my starting point for any endeavor. I have an area in my garden that is hidden and magical. I was the youngest and only girl in our family. It was magical to immerse myself in these imaginative worlds of girls, families, situations so far from my own, and opened up my mind to ever expanding genres of reading. My favorite book as a child was The Fourteen Bears of Summer and Winter. My earliest memory of my favorite book is Thumbelina. I mainly stuck with the Judy Bloom books as a girl, but now I enjoy pretty much anything. I did not find out until I was an adult, that there were more books in the Narnia series and I still read them all now! We should all care for others and listen to their stories, I think it would make a better world. We would also read magazines passed to us by a neighbor. I did love looking at the garden catalogs. Peter would love it! I loved cats and nature, so I would conjure up escapades for Nina my Russian Grey to go around sorting things and issues even if it was in space. I loved coming off age novels that included nature and magic. I highly recommend this book and maybe a packet of Lupine seeds to plant and share with others. Twiddle dee, While I wasnt blessed as a child with much reading. I still remember the breathtaking joy we all felt. I am just thinking about getting some flower seeds started in my cold Victorian farmhouse. We had tons of series at home Happy Hollisters, Hardy Boys & Nancy Drew and many more. These books inspired me to keep reading. I was introduced to floret and the wonderful world of cut flowers. The Mother Daughter bond from these two growers and artists is inspiring. And now my 7 year old daughter is reading some of the same books :). Plus. One of my sons favorite books as a child! In fact, people have been publishing rhyming dictionaries for more than a hundred years. Oh wow! Its about a sweet old man who owns a fix it shop and his granddaughter comes in with a broken doll. A Z from a fire escape. I was so enraptured by Francies love of books and the time she spent on the fire escape under that wonderful tree. One of those illustrations pictured a hot summer day. We often talk about Miss Rumphius for being courageous, independent, a life learner, interested in others and inspiring us to make our world more beautiful. Im old enough that the Dick & Jane (see Spot run!) The books sparked so much imagination and my sisters and I enjoyed the characters and the Tree changing its blossoms and all the things it grew! I always loved the ones with the best pictures. When I was 7 or 8, I remember grabbing The Secret Garden off the library shelf. Shel Silverstein. I always loved East of Eden by John Steinbeck. I loved all the Mother Goose nursery rhymes and the colorful illustrations but as a preteen I discovered in my parents collection of books, The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck and was captivated by the story. When I was little, I was drawn to romantic books like The Secret Garden, Magic for Marigold, and Anne of Green Gables. moving constantly and sometimes homeless. Recently, Where The Crawdads Sing , had a great second story of how nature adapts to waterways. As a child, I remember being engulfed in the Laura Ingalls Wilder books imagining the woods and prairie settings along with the cabin interiors. My grandmother, aunt and mother were all expert seamstresses, and my grandmother owned a little store calledThe Little Mending Shop back when mending was preferred over buying new. Im sure many of them had some mention of flowers that has shaped my view of gardening.. She was so smart and creative. I loved books that my imagination placed me within the setting. Our neighbor was a childrens librarian and supplied my mom with all the most exceptional picture books in the 1940s. Now, that I learned a lot about her life, the paintings and her great love for flowers and nature of this outstanding woman , I can say , that she gave me so much inspiration for my own way of live and my passion for gardening as a grown-up person.

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food that rhymes with alexis