It can be really scary for Mars in Pisces people to look at their feelings because they haveso many of them. Be romantic, affectionate, and show him how much you love him. This is avery artistic placement, which is often easy to see in the eyes as well. Most importantly, if his partner doesnt fulfill his expectations and desires, he might seek solace in the arms of another. Venus in Pisces Man - Luvze He is inconspicuous in his chase. The more he enjoys the chase, the more he begins to idealize his crush. Its easy for the Mars in Pisces woman to be out of touch with who her partner really is. Aquarius venus, Leo mars) and him a Taurus (Gemini moon, Aries rising, Gemini venus, Aries mars) we are very similar but also very different at the same time. But when it comes to acting on their thinking, they tend to be most impulsive, which is not always productive. With this man, you dont ever need to pretend like you can take on the world or that youre strong enough to take on lifes hardest challenges. . If you catch yourself thinking about how you can use your own resources or ingenuity for the greater good, this transit is speaking to you. The Mars in Pisces man. Many people with Mars in Pisces end up in relationships that are unbalanced in some way, whether this is due to money, age, or simply an unequal energy (with one partner being much more powerful, controlling, loud, etc.). This could be a good idea. They want to merge desire emotional closeness, yet they neglect to set personal boundaries. They are not typically cocky. In the sign of Venus, this is especially hard. Please leave a comment below and let me know. True love isnt the romantic love at first sight that Venus in Pisces tend to fall into. You have no idea that she's upset, until she lets loose. Venus in Air, Mars in Water (Romantic Air, Watery Desires): In matters of the heart, you are a youthful, intelligent, and passionate lover, or you are magnetically drawn to . The man born with Venus in Pisces recognizes his need for a soul mate, and hes seeking for the one that manages, at least partially, to escape this social conformism, the vicious circle or pretense, and self-deceit. Mars and Pisces in Love. They are willing to surrender to love or anything that they consider divine, thus losing track of reality. But if you do this too often, you might start to see yourself as a victim. How, then, do these qualities fit together? or it will manifest as an outburst. Mars in Pisces folks can be a bit melodramatic. You have a calming influence in a group of people. Venus in Earth, Mars in Water (Romantic Earth, Watery Desires): You want stability and reliability in your relationships, but you also require emotional bonding and intimacy. In extreme cases, there can be celibacy and a denial of physical pleasure. The main characteristics that the planet Mars shows are ones drive and ambition, ones temper, how one pushes through career/conducts themselves in the workplace, and how someone acts in a romantic relationship. If someone makes you feel happy or high emotionally, youre more likely to spend time around them. The Mars in Pisces man is the definition of charm. Her needs are ever-changing and its hard for her to discern what she wants versus what her partner wants. He wants a perfect relationship, one where he can melt into a oneness of being with his lover, where he can find the fulfillment of his deep desires. Basically, Venus shows itself differently for someone with more masculine energy than it does for someone with more feminine energy. Celebrities born under Mars in Pisces include Heath Ledger, Denzel Washington, Marilyn Monroe, and Billie Eilish. Mars in Taurus also likes to play the role of the savior and to be in command in every aspect of a relationship. Astral Attraction: The Role of Venus and Mars in Love You love the underdog! He doesnt want discord and conflict to ever appear in his love life, nor does he want to ever have to compete with his partner for something. However, while they can seem a little egotistical, they are very warm, loving, and sensitive, and will be careful with your emotions. This is because you help people understand what they are feeling rather than trying to tell them what they should do. You are not necessarily conflict driven but do tend to stir up controversy. The Venus in Pisces Woman: Get to Know Her Better - Youll notice that most of the celebrities on this list are passionate and artistic, but many of them also live in a slightly different reality. While Venus rules through romantic and emotional attraction, Mars is dictated by sexual desire. Venus in Pisces, Mars in Scorpio Your Venus is in a Water sign and your Mars is in a Water sign. This means that you are most compatible with Mars in Leo or Mars in Taurus. With Mars in Pisces, you are attracted to your own fantasies or projections of people instead of who they really are. I love him but I feel like he consumes me. Venus in Water, Mars in Water (Romantic Water, Watery Desires): You are most receptive to emotional expressions of affection. She might always feel like a piece of her is missing. When you are born under Mars in Pisces, sexually you are attracted to someone who will dominate you, but you also need a sensitive soul. For example, a Mars in Pisces woman may meet a man and hear him say just one emotional thing about his past. You are also very good at helping to identify common ground for people, even when it is very small in the grand scheme of things. How to Tell if a Mars in Pisces Man or Woman Is Into You 2022, part of the Hopnetic network. When I'm in love I feel like I lose all sense of responsibility unless it involves my relationship. They will create something beautiful for them, nurture them, take care of them. This makes it hard for them to find that special someone. Your feelings (especially your gut instincts) are really important to you, so you cant truly forgive until a situation feels resolved; your emotions may take more time to catch up to your thoughts. When she first meets someone, she will unconsciously conform to be what they want. She has strong intuition and great emotional intelligence. Mars is known for being the planet of drive, ambition, anger, and passion, but Mars in Pisces is a bit of an enigma. The Venus in Pisces woman probably has millions of fantasies in her head that she is rarely brave enough to actually act out, but the desire is definitely in there. This post may contain affiliate links. In such relationships, he does realize what the future holds, or rather what it doesnt, but he finds it very hard to break-up with the other. Mars in Pisces is very empathetic, which makes it easy to make a sexual connection. As we evolve and change and the gender lines blur, these distinctions become less absolute. When youre devoted, you will see something through to the end, no matter the cost. Venus in Pisces people can adapt to the moods of others, but they tend to lose themselves in the process. He might not mean to have the victim mentality, but he definitely knows how to get what he needs by playing the victim. You tend to be very considerate towards others but you can quickly take on too many emotion burdens and get bogged down. See our Venus sign tables. This can make you a bit of a bleeding heart and you want to help everyone that you meet. They do their best work when they are emotionally tied to their job and they will stop at nothing to achieve what they desire. Use our free birth chart calculator to find out. In their lives they truly believe they are no better than anyone, and that makes them better than everyone. He could manifest drama by creating an issue. You also prefer to have company in whatever you are doing, whether it be going to a yoga class of heading on holiday. You like the idea of being saved and often play out this romantic fantasy. This type of anger will often manifest physically as disease or a vague sickness thats undiagnosable. Some of the most beautiful and talented actors, musicians, and artists have this placement, but it also comes with a whole host of problems. For example, I find thatmostwomen will show a lot of the qualities of their Venus when theyre flirting, but a few of their Mars qualities will bleed through also. Life may happen to you because you struggle to control whats happening. He might alternatively express his anger onto himself instead of the other person. When you get angry, you probably feel a bit guilty about it. Mars in Pisces means that you feel compelled to do things that are special, bigger than yourself, or things that help people less fortunate. Venus and Mars in the same signs: You are vibrant, sexual, and charismatic. This woman is usually very sensitive. The Mars in Pisces man is the person to pull out all of the romantic stops, to write poetry, to gush about his lover, etc. Sometimes, a person with Venus in Pisces holds onto a bad relationship too long, but there always needs to be mutual respect for it to last forever. When the Mars in Pisces man is angry, he is likely to express it indirectly by being passive aggressive or starting drama about something else entirely. There is often a desire for self-sacrifice, and feelings of guilt for being selfish. The Venus in Pisces man prefers women that are the traditional feminine auras. They are always day dreaming, imagining, worrying. Sexuality: Mar in Pisces individuals with typically express their sexuality with an all consuming energy. They possess such extreme emotions they may suffer from mood swings. If you are born under Mars in Pisces, you tend to be motivated by bringing people together and making people happy. These outbursts might be uncontrollable and sporadic. They often make strong passionate leaders because they so completely believe in a dream. You can easily project your idea of the other person (rather than who they really are) and the chase gives you time to do this. This man admires beautiful things of nature and enjoys music very much. Mars and Pisces in Love bring you more self-confidence. This can make you seem flaky and uncertain, as you can change significantly depending on who you are with. Mars is known as the planet of war and its position in your natal chart is indicative of your more volatile characteristics. He likes partners who are fragile, delicate, gentle, and sensitive. She is a deep thinker. When youre caught up in a new idea or fantasy, youre all in, and might not have time for your partner. It can help a person with Venus in Pisces to work on shielding their energy through various techniques in order to stop conforming to what others want. They are full of time, energy, and empathy for other people, and you never want to let them down. You probably prefer morning sex in the shower over long evenings in the bedroom. Sex with them should always be a beautiful, otherworldly, romantic, love making experience. The goal is for people with Mars in Pisces to figure out a balance between living in a fantasy world (which they always need to some extent) and seeing reality. They love to get lost in daydreams, perhaps because they have a tendency to put off reality for later or because they admire the world of fantasy so much. or even just have a really soft energy. If you can hold onto a mood then you will work extremely diligently to achieve what you want because youre so tied to it unconsciously. You have very high expectations for a relationship. Many of your emotions are unconscious so its nearly impossible for you to control them. Though this can sometimes lead to an overly pragmatic approach to matters of the heart, Venus in the sign of the Goat usually meets her love goals. During this transit, your energy is quiet and easy going. You have a tendency to get lost in your spiritual fantasies and the places you visit so having a good grounding routine is necessary for this Mars placement. Is It Love? Why Would A Younger Man Be Attracted To An Older Woman? He could be extremely intrigued and fascinated by something one moment, and the next he could become dispirited, even spiteful. His feelings are honest and pure. She will still be looking for a dose of romantic energy, but the best partner for her will be someone amorousand grounded to help her stay balanced. This can result in you playing the victim and perhaps stick with partners that might victimize you in some way, as they feed the fantasy that someone else will come along and rescue you. There is almost no in-between. I have 7th house in Pisces. Transiting Mars in Pisces can indicate a desire to be kind and compassionate to people in crisis, for example by helping refugees or the homeless. In other words, they usually manifest some beautiful drama to make their point and go after what they want. This may be so because you expect your lover to intuit your needs rather than directly asking for what you want. Mars in Capricorn Meaning: Ambition, Sexuality, Personality Traits & Significance, Jupiter in Aries Meaning: Personality Traits & Significance. Sometimes, it is difficult for people with Mars in Pisces to hold a job because their moods are so unpredictable, but much of this will depend on the rest of their chart and how directly involved Mars is in their career. I personally know quite a few people with Venus in Pisces who work in scientific fields but still have a vibrant creative streak and appreciate the arts in some manner. No dream is too big! Unlike other placements, she cant separate from her emotions. This allows them to observe the full dimensions of what's . She is the compassionate, sensitive and mysterious water bearer. In the beginning of her journey, she will be desperate to fulfill her emotional fantasies, but over time she will learn that long-term stability makes her happier than the initial fantasy. You also have a tendency to mirror whoever you are with, so you are highly changeable as you move between different social groups. They are deeply peaceful, sweet, and kind men. At risk of becoming combative, this person will protect him or herself with a great deal of zeal. Women worry about their path toward self destruction and men admire their unwavering commitment to their beliefs and their cause. Hes a dreamer, and he will only get involved in something when it has some chance of success, when the idea at its base is revolutionary, innovative, even a little idealistic. And taking into consideration that Neptune in Pisces might have brought quite a bit of illusions, Saturn's passage there will most likely be painful. Sometimes, this can mean that the Mars in Pisces woman is attracted to musicians, artists, or spiritually-inclined people, or she may just be captivated by those who have a deep and tortured energy, regardless of their job. Going on 2 years now, and it's the best relationship I've ever been in . You can feel what the other person likes and is turned on by, and easily inhabit that space. His love interest quickly becomes the center of his universe. This can be really painful for him and can damage his mental state. Once the Mars in Pisces woman feels an emotionally connection, she is hooked. She wants to feel that the other person is energetically all in right away. Look She looks like a princess. Your fantasies mostly exist around being saved. Youre also attracted to how youfeel around someone. It takes six to seven weeks to transit through each sign. You may also be drawn to the occult, to gothic time periods, or to learning more about whats out there. You like the big questions as well as anything mysterious or mystical. She must be kind, generous, empathetic, understanding, to have a sense of obedience and dependency. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. Mars in Pisces is no different! They make excellent partners whenever they decide to take it that far because they love relationships and partnering up! I dont think its 100% accurate, but in my experience, theres a good 80% of truth in these archetypes for the average person. They are romantically confrontational. When the Mars in Pisces man first meets someone, he willfeelwhat they want and can turn into his partners dream man. This isnt to say that they wont fight back if someone picks on them. Moreover, her traditional take on marriage only serves to make his dreams of a comfortable and perfect relationship come true. You can expect women born under Mars in Pisces are natural caregivers without falling into mother roles. Other men with Mars in Pisces arent insecure about this and embrace their emotions wholeheartedly; much of this will depend on the rest of the chart and life circumstances, as well as how their parents reacted to their emotional outbursts. There is often a lack of self-confidence and the ability to stand up for ones self. The Mars in Pisces man is the person to pull out all of the romantic stops, to write poetry, to gush about his lover, etc. He is attracted to the sensitive and emotional women who accept their feminine side and embrace it wholeheartedly. Personally, the Venus in Pisces man is a romantic artist who seeks for like-minded people to light up his world. Mars in Pisces man has a passionate and strong-willed nature. They might make no logical sense to other people, but this is because the emotions simply have to go somewhere, so these people will get upset at the next available chance. This person loves helping others and is very spiritual. More specifically: Venus in Pisces, Mars in Pisces: Some Famous People with this Combination: Vincent Van Gogh, Eva Gabor, Michelle Pfeiffer, Jane Seymour, Norah Jones, Pat Benatar, Patrick Duffy, Heath Ledger, Bryce Dallas Howard.

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