Now we are seeing our government inject ages 12 and above moving closer to injecting 2 and above which is absolutely beyond the pale. He pointed out that the experimental injection poses a risk of 50 times the number of deaths from COVID. Simpson murder trial. They ALL have been corrupted by the cabal & the cult! A large team of more than 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts, led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, has initiated legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. Dr. Gold began with a succinct analysis of the problems we face and a powerful call to action on an organized individual level to combat the growing tyranny. This article covers some of the highlights of the event. None of these guys had OTAs or minicamps. Nnamdi Asomugha, Jason Babin, Ronnie Brown, Cullen Jenkins, Donald Lee, Steve Smith, Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie and Evan Mathis. After uniting a group of courageous doctors to join her last year, Dr. Gold invited a pioneering team of lawyers to join AFLDS to bring cases to defend our rights. Since its founding last year by Dr. Simone Gold, a Los Angeles physician who was later arrested during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, America's Frontline Doctors has nurtured medical conspiracies popular in right-wing circles. Americas Frontline Doctors Legal Eagle Dream Team Seeking Additional Plaintiffs for Cases Being Filed in Court This Week. w/ Joe Fried, What I have endured: An inside Look at being Unpersoned in America, While America Suffers, Biden & Congress focus on sending Billions to Ukraine w/ Harley Schlanger. They explained the critical role of citizen engagement in protecting American freedom now. Gilbert asked why our elected officials are pushing so hard to get everyone injected. America's Frontline Doctors - Telegram The suits generally deny or play down the severity of the pandemic. america's poet? The verdict is the latest in a saga in which Bailey went from one of the country`s most notorious criminal defense lawyers to one of the most offended. Dr. Mark McDonald, a child and adolescent psychiatrist from West Los Angeles, pointed out in his opening remarks that we won the medical battle a long time ago. If we have difficulties with the lawyer above our best bet is Americas Frontline Doctors. Americas Frontline Doctors has their own Legal Team. On his LinkedIn profile, for example, he cites his work completing the final edit of the trial transcript for the Chemical Ali case after the Iraq war. Ali Hassan Majeed, an aide to Iraqi President Saddam Hussein known as Chemical Ali, was convicted of genocide by an Iraqi tribunal in 2007. If your going to put up names and info on lawyers and such and claim they are in the fight when someone could really need some help and to find out its all BSwell that really doesnt make you any better than the other side now does it. The third step is to unsubscribe from all mainstream media outlets. Be Mine (feat. The employee alleged that the conduct had gotten more aggressive over the previous year. All donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. EIN: 85-2279624 Delete the apps from your phone, laptop, and tablet and unfollow all of their social media and YouTube channels. @americasfrontlinedoctors. America's Frontline Doctors is the leading source of medical research and legal guidance to defend your freedom. After uniting a group of courageous doctors to join her last year, Dr. Gold invited a pioneering team of lawyers to join AFLDS to bring cases to defend our rights. A large peer-reviewed study published last month of nearly 2 million people in Israel concluded that adverse side effects from the Pfizer vaccine were rare and mild. Renz withdrew his first federal lawsuit in March after U.S. District Judge James G. Carr of the northern District of Ohio called the suit an almost incomprehensible jumble of dubiously sourced material and asked the plaintiffs why he should not dismiss it. Dr. Gold introduced Americas Frontline Doctors Legal Eagle Dream Team at 26:25 minutes in the Summit. She confirmed in a brief phone interview with The Post that the letter was authentic but declined to comment. It was the first of seven times he registered in eight years, according to information provided by the Supreme Court of Ohio. America's Frontline Doctors has officially launched the Legal Eagle Dream Team, and we intend to bring lawsuits across the country to challenge the constitutionality of COVID-19 mandates and restrictions. The New Republic on a two decade war against medical quackery, Brownstone flack Gabrielle Bauer admits that the Great Barrington Declaration was wrong, The War on LGBTQ+ Kids Is Getting Out of Hand, I contracted chickenpox and it nearly killed me. Two female employees later alleged that he frequently invited them into his office and made comments of a sexual nature that left them uncomfortable. We intend to do as much good with this as possible but have not yet settled on how, he said in his email. Lockdowns, this guru maintains, have mental health effects that are more harmful than those caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which according to her, are minimal. WASHINGTON, D.C. America's Frontline Doctors ( AFLDS ), a Project of The Free Speech Foundation, has announced that its Eagle Dream Team is filing cases in court this week to prevent the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA) from issuing an Emergency Use Authorization ( EUA) for the experimental COVID vaccine for 12-15 year old children, and the Also under Renzs proposal, all requests for information were to be submitted to him in writing. (Policy), Government Warns People Not to Horde Gas in Plastic Bags During Fuel Shortage; Risks Can Have Deadly Consequences, Hernando County Deputies Save Disabled Woman from Inside of Burning Home In Brooksville, Todd English, 4X James Beard Award-Winning Chef Hosted Culinary Experience at BENTLEY, New Florida Bill: Businesses That Expose Minors to Sexually Explicit Performances, COPS: Three Suspects Wanted For Distraction Theft At Whole Foods In Village Of, 56 Kiddie Porn Charges Netted by Buttigiegs Mentee Mayor Wojahn of College Park,. We need more from American Frontline Doctors. It pointed out that the Biden administration is now openly calling on Big Tech to censor any information that does not conform to the official narrative that the COVID injections (so-called vaccines) are safe and effective. Dr. McDonald later closed the Summit with a brilliant speech in which explained that the system we have now has been corrupted by corporations that are driven only by profit and not by truth or concern for health. Is anyone surprised? more moreOne of Mr. Gilbert's greatest strengths is his ability to READ MORE Leigh Dundas, Esq. Maybe one of the draft picks doesn`t fit the NFL game. A breakout moment was his announcement at a July conservative rally in Anaheim, Calif., that he had found a whistleblower with evidence that the coronavirus vaccine caused at least 45,000 deaths. He is correct. Renz defended that language in his email to The Post. No one does. Renzs organization promotes charity and Christianity, and its website encourages treating others as you would want to be treated, being kind and respectful and being decent to people and helping them., The site also is a donor destination, with the website of Renzs law firm directing people to 4GFCs website and asking for support to fund litigation in the Medical Freedom Fight.. The Post does not enter into such agreements. The commander of Ukraine's ground forces, Oleksandr Syrskyi, visited Bakhmut on Friday for briefings with local commanders on how to boost the defence capacity of frontline forces. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. The danger is not from the federal government now, but from schools, state governments, corporations, airlines, etc. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has." 171K subscribers. AFLDS exploded on the national scene with their July 27 press conference in front of the US Supreme Court last year. AFLDS is a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization. And Jordan Davis, Cam Jurgens and Nakobe Dean are promising recruits starting out. America's Frontline Doctors - Telegram I hope this helps you because now is the time to stand up to this kind of injustice and draconian medical tyranny. REFUSETESTING, IF YOU DONT WISH TO COMPLY WITH VACCINE AND MASK MANDATES HERE IS A LIST OF LAW FIRMS THAT CANHELP, A National Not-for-Profit Public Interest Law Firm, A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over, COMPILATION: PEER REVIEWED MEDICAL PAPERS OF COVID VACCINE INJURIES,, How to overcome the pressure to get a COVID vaccine Rights and Freedoms, Now published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature: The mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous, The Threat of Global Tyranny From the WHOs Pandemic Treaty Draws EverCloser, The Senate has unanimously passed a bill to declass all U.S. intelligence on the origins of COVID19, How social networks became a subsidiary of the FBI andCIA, How Bill Gates hijacked a failing pharma system and smashed it: A tale of incompetence, deceit, greed, and an unmitigated thirst forpower. Parents, teachers, doctors and anyone else who can attest to damage, injury or death caused by previously administered vaccines will provide the evidence we need to prevent our children from injecting these dangerous and unnecessary biologics. The average length of time required to approve a vaccine is 10-15 years but now, barely six months in, the FDA is poised to test it on children and then request universal approval. More info [.] Join millions of others and stay up to date with the latest developments. During his testimony, Bailey presented himself as a great financier, plagued by debts due to legal problems, constantly spending more than he earned. He would sometimes be flipping the burgers, pouring the beers and setting up the pins, said Riley. Before becoming a lawyer, he worked an array of jobs, including at a nonprofit that told The Post it terminated him and at a rural credit union. So POLITICAL, SO obvious! During an August conference call the group posted to its website, Popper told fellow activists that she had raised more than $250,000 for the legal effort and aimed to raise $100 million to $200 million. VAERS shows that injuries from the COVID injections are greater than from all vaccines combined since VAERS was introduced. In July 2011, more than a year after he got his law degree, he registered to take the Ohio bar exam. Covid19 News from Planet Waves January 2023 entries Maybe one of the veterans will be a big disappointment. Yet, college students are being told they cannot return to campus without receiving the experimental, unnecessary, and dangerous gene therapy. And a 222-word passage in Renzs complaint in Maine matches almost verbatim a section of a September 2020 opinion by a federal judge in Pennsylvania. I would agree that MOST of the lawyers are corrupt. America's Frontline Doctors has officially launched the Legal Eagle Dream Team, and we intend to bring lawsuits across the country to challenge the constitutionality of COVID-19 mandates and restrictions. Lets say there are crimes against humanity cases, like Nuremberg, and we make all the people pay and go to jail, he told the conspiracy theory promoter Sean Turnbull on the podcast SGT Report. The full summit is linked below. ACTs chief operating officer, Greg Allen, told The Post in an email that Renz worked there for less than a year in 2016 and was terminated. AFLDS Legal | America's Frontline Doctors AFLDS Legal AFLDS seeks to file strategic litigation cases that will benefit We The People in furtherance of medical freedom. Russian foreign minister met with laughter as he tells audience the Well, guess what? A group of doctors who picked a legal eagle dream team that includes activists who were either investigated or arrested for their role in the US Capitol building attack on January 6 attack. RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE CAMPAIGN ASSESSMENT, FEBRUARY 27, 2023. Ali Shultz, JD, AFLDS Legal Director, spoke first. Joseph S. Gilbert, Esq. 3. It is a highly visible role for Renz, 44, who passed the Ohio bar exam in November 2019 on his fifth attempt and has limited litigation experience, according to a Washington Post examination of his career. "Never doubt that a small group of dedicated, concerned citizens can change the world. Recent studies have shown that the coronavirus vaccines are working and rarely have serious side effects. Renz did not respond to questions about the exam. In interviews, Renz described leaders enforcing coronavirus regulations as scumbags and likened vaccine mandates to the authoritarianism of apartheid-era South Africa and Nazi Germany. The Post found that donations to MAFA from its website are directed to a PayPal account in the name of PB Industries, a for-profit Ohio company that Popper formed with her husband. However, this is not true. Allen said Renzs description of his work was inaccurate. One step at a time, hand in hand, we are walking out from the globalist society they are trying to enslave us into, ANYONE can participateANYWHERE in the world, JOIN or read about it here Dr. Gold graduated from Chicago Medical School before earning her Juris Doctorate from Stanford University Law School. Several court filings from Renz and his co-counsels contain language that appears to echo or duplicate wording from other sources without attribution, a Post review found. Mr. McGregor is our staff news reporter who focuses primarily on reviewing and editing (if necessary) all media alerts and press releases for The Published Reporter. Start typing to see results or hit ESC to close. America's Frontline Doctors Founded by @DrSimoneGold The Trusted Name for Independent Information Official channel America's Frontline Doctors @AmericasFrontlineDoctors. Try to avoid mainstream media for at least one week, even if the headline is intriguing. If you know there are safe and effective treatments and actively work to cover them up to promote sales of an untested injection that is only able to be categorized as a vaccine after the definition of the word vaccine is changed, then it is my personal belief that what is happening is akin to murder, he wrote. 50,663 DEAD and 5,315,063 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions, Biden Administration Targets Senate Judiciary for Constitutional Demise, See Images: Canadian Protestors Plastered Government Propaganda Media Outlet CBC with Stickers of hundreds of Vaccine Victims, Professional Auditor Examines Election System & Fraud, Are We Still a Free Republic? Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Davis and Jurgens are 22, Dean is 21. See more information on great products, including the C60 BlackSeed Oil Gel Caps, Telomere Lengthening, Zeolite Detox, and much more @, Listen to show streaming live now! We need you in the fight with us. Dr. Zelenkos Protocol contains Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Zinc, Vitamin D3, and Quercetin. Thursday`s hearing came just weeks after a state judge in a separate case recommended that the Florida Supreme Court expel Bailey for paying for himself with millions of shares the government sought to seize from a client. They came to tell America that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is an inexpensive cure for COVID-19 that has saved over 200,000 Americans. She has worked in Washington, D.C. for the Surgeon General, as well as for the Chairman of the U.S. Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee.In July 2020, Dr. Gold organized the Americas Frontline Doctors White Coat Summit in Washington, D.C., which rapidly drew 20,000,000 views online. Prosecutors say the money Bailey took belonged to one of his clients, William J. McCorkle, an infomercier who was convicted of fraud in 1998. Dr. McDonald pointed out that there is a great split in society now. In response to an interview request for this story, Renz initially proposed a contract with The Post that would set conditions for the storys content and restrict whom reporters could contact. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Jesse Riley, who played bluegrass shows at the bowling alley for several years, said Renz worked hard to keep the venue going. It should be clear that they are a group of fringe health care providers who have a clear agenda against vaccines, masks, and social distancing all of the things that can help us to control and end the pandemic. He previously viewed anti-vaccine activists as nuts, but he has come to embrace their beliefs over the past year, he said during a recent podcast interview. Amber Navran) 03. Milam Howard Nicandri Dees & Gillam, P.A. Please consider sending an email to and cite any sources if available. My doctor followed the CDC & left me for dead so I went to a doctor from Americas Frontline Doctors & she saved my life with hydroxychloroquine. America's Frontline Doctors Joe Biden admin says they will "not now, nor will we be" requiring vaccine passports. Summary: AFLDS White Coat Summit July 27 - One of which is actually the founder of Americas Frontline Doctors! Lawfare for Freedom Why Do We Keep Talking About Waking People Up? How 'America's Frontline Doctors' Sold Access to Bogus COVID-19 Treatmentsand Left Patients in the Lurch . Declining to publicly identify the purported whistleblower out of fear for her safety, Renz filed affidavits featuring her allegations in support of his lawsuits in Alabama and Michigan. This list is very much outdated. Thanks for posting. She called on other attorneys to join the fight now. My son was mandated for work and had a heartattack from Pfizer, Ivermectin worked for me when i had Covid and Chlorine dioxide protocol. Even prosecuting top public health officials would not be enough to repair the damage they have done, Renz claims. You should not rely upon any material or information on this website as a basis for making any business, legal or any other decisions.

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